Monday, September 28, 2015

Encouragement Makes a Difference

As we move into our school year and at home with our children, we can at times miss opportunities to highlight the positives. Building relationships with our students and motivating them can be achieved by emphasizing the positive. Even if we have bad days or a student's behavior is not on target, don't forget to build encouragement into a stressful day. Giving the support may just mean the difference in success and failure. 
Words of encouragement get and keep students connected and motivated. Below are a dozen examples shared by Allen Mendler on Edutopia . Find an excuse to share at least a few of these every day.
  • You really hung in there by _______.
  • That was really cool.
  • Wow, you pushed yourself today, and it really worked out.
  • I was so impressed today when you _______.
  • It was awesome to see you _______.
  • That took some special effort.
  • I hope you feel proud about _______, because you should.
  • Thanks for putting a smile on my face when you _______.
  • It's not easy to _______, but you are making it happen.
  • Your cooperation is really appreciated. Thanks.
  • That was flat-out good!
  • Congratulations! (And then be specific about what you are congratulating.)

You may know many other positive affirmations to share with your students.
Be consistent.
Be supportive.
Be encouraging.
Be the difference.

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