Thursday, September 24, 2015

Digital Footprint

My Digital Footprint

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Website is a great resource for educators or administrators.

It’s important that we as “lead learners” model what our digital footprint should look like. We should show our students a conscientious, mature digital presence. Your digital footprint is seeing what you do online as potential tools for learning, finding like-minded peers, and building reputations as thoughtful contributors to meaningful digital conversations. Here is my digital footprint.  An page is a visual aggregator of all the places you can be found online. This site could be used as a way to quickly share their philosophy of education as well anywhere you learn. Let an page be your launching site for social media!
Connected Principals: A site developed for the shared thoughts of school administrators that want to share best practices in education. All of the authors have different experiences in education but all have the same goal; what is best for students. I am honored to be included here.
Twitter: No longer just used as a platform to share what you’ve had for lunch, Twitter has become a dynamic community for educators who strive to better themselves through professional and personal relationships. These connections inspire and motivate me daily and keep me current on all things education. 
Google +: Another platform to connect socially and professionally. 
Instagram: Used personally, this medium is a great way to share visually all that you love. Professionally, an incredible way to tell your story.
Pinterest: Not just a place to find recipes or outfits, Pinterest has exploded into education for teachers and learners. Interest boards can be a great way to collaborate with other teachers. You can share ideas, resources, videos, news articles, infographics, and images. You don’t have to be working in the same school, or even the same country, to be able to work on the same collection of resources.
Vine: A short snippet of a fun video that just might brighten your day or clarify an educational concept. While I don’t use this tool professionally, the potential impact of 
Symballoo: A way to access links you use regularly. It’s also a great tool to share links during a presentation.  
Facebook: Although this is more for my own personal connections, I believe that knowing and understanding Facebook is an important practice for educators who want to ensure that they understand the world that our students are growing up in. They need to know how to use their digital power for good and not evil!
SAVMP: Looking to help develop administrators to lead innovative school environments that meet the needs of students today, I have been lucky enough to help George Couros with the “School Administrator Virtual Mentor Program” (#SVAMP).
LinkedIn: An easy place to share your expertise with others.

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